Updated: June 11, 2024
Name: Salnikov Aleksandr Viktorovich
Date of Birth: April 17, 1961
Current status: defendant
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility
Current restrictions: recognizance agreement


Case History

Early in the morning of April 20, 2023, several Magnitogorsk FSB officers raided Aleksandr Salnikov’s home. Aleksandr, his wife and daughter were interrogated. According to the court’s decision, similar events were held on the same morning at seven more addresses. After interrogation, Salnikov was placed in a temporary detention center for two days and then taken a recognizance agreement. The Investigative Committee suspects him of organizing the activities of an extremist organization. The case went to court in April 2024.